Make your life easier with the dental software!

The newest dental clinic management software we have developed since 1992. Interactive, online, easy access from anywhere and on any device. Intelligent working logic based on foresight and experience makes your life easier by sensing your work.


NO setup fees
NO setup fees

You can use it from anywhere with Apple Mac, Windows, Linux, tablet, phone and Smart TV! No download and installation required!

NO risk of data loss
NO risk of data loss

Any virus, device failure, thief, flood, fire, earthquake, etc. can't affect your data in the cloud!

FREE updates
FREE updates

Always use the latest version! Have whatever comes out fresh. Do not use stale, outdated or fake dental software products.

UNLIMITED dentists and users
UNLIMITED dentists and users

Add as many dentists and users as you want, make flexible authorization for your users!

What's in Dr.DENTES?

Check out all the features...
Patient Management
Patient Management
  • Patient archive
  • Customizable tariff and payment currency
  • Periodic controls
  • USS/e-Nabız integration
  • e-Reçete/Reçetem integration
Treatment Management
Treatment Management
  • Diagnosis, planning, follow-up of the treatment stages
  • Conversion of the selected plan into contract
  • Multilingual treatment plan and proforma (English, French, German, Turkish, Serbian, Greek)
Appointment Management
Appointment Management
  • Sharing appointments with Google and Apple calendar
  • Automatic appointment reminders to your patients
  • Coloring appointments according to the dentist or treatment
Invoice System
Invoice System
  • e-Invoice
  • Fast printed invoices
  • The payment relations between the invoices
Stock and Cost Management
Stock and Cost Management
  • Stock Status and Movements Management
  • Treatment Components and Real Cost Management
  • Follow-up of Serial Numbered Implants and Other Materials
AI-Based Radiograph Analysis
AI-Based Radiograph Analysis
  • 100+ Symptom Detections
  • Fast and reliable diagnosis
  • Analysis of Panoramic, Bitewing, Periapical and Lateral Cephalometric images
  • Personalized reporting


Slide to see all packages

You can see the package prices for UNITED STATES below. If you can't see the prices, contact us.

* Phone, Tablet, Computer, Apple Mac, Smart TV

When the plan limits are exceeded, the account moves to the upper plan. After the difference payment is received. The USS/e-Nabız system is only avaliable for Turkey, and its fee is not included for Turkey.

How can I use Dr.DENTES?

Unique Experience

Frequently Answered Questions

Would you like to know more about us?
Frequently Answered Questions

Yes, your information/data in other software, Google Contacts or Spreadsheet, calendar will be transferred to Dr.DENTES with a little cost. You can contact us for detailed information.

No. You can use it from anywhere when you connect to the internet with Apple Mac, Windows, Linux, tablet, smartphone and smart TV. Dr.DENTES is not dependent on any operating system or devices.

Your data is stored encrypted on our servers. Only those who know your Dr.DENTES login information can see your data. Data security is provided on our servers. With the SSL certificate used on Dr.DENTES servers, data between our users and the system is encrypted and transferred securely.

You can start any package you want. If you exceed the limits, you can upgrade to the next package by paying the difference fee. The size of data is variable. Data size can be calculate like following;

  1. One patient card tooks about one (1) KB of the database.
  2. Ten (10) of the Diagnosis/Planning/Treatment/Money Received records occupy around 1 KB.
  3. Five (5) of the Appointment records occupy about 1 KB. But;
  4. Panoramic x-ray takes between 1 MB and 20 MB depending on the size of the shot. 1 MB = 1024 KB.
  5. The patient's pre/post oral operation photos can occupy 1 to 30 MB depending on the camera's shooting settings.
  6. With the data compression algorithm in the 4th and 5th items, Dr.DENTES provides 1/10 of the area gain instead of 1/3 according to its storage. For this reason, it is impossible to give an exact figure. However, a net figure can be given for fixed information (patient, appointment, treatment, money collection, expense cards, etc.).
Dr.DENTES is available for English, French, German, Turkish, Serbian and Greek. Also you can see treatments in Albanian.

User Interactions

User interactions from past to present...
Dr.DENTES Dental Practice Management Software

HASTA > Fatura'da e-Fatura ve e-Arşiv Fatura keserken miktar girilebilmesi sağlandı.

Dr.DENTES Dental Practice Management Software

Η υποστήριξη της ελληνικής γλώσσας προστέθηκε στο Dr.DENTES. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε "Ελληνικά (Greek)" για τον σχετικό χρήστη από το ΡΥΘΜΙΣΕΙΣ > Χρήστης για να το χρησιμοποιήσετε.

Dr.DENTES Dental Practice Management Software

Greek language support has been added to Dr.DENTES. You can select "Ελληνικά (Greek)" for the relevant user from OPTIONS > User to use it.

Dr.DENTES Dental Practice Management Software

Dr.DENTES'e Yunanca dil desteği eklendi. AYARLAR > Kullanıcı'dan ilgili kulllanıcının dilini "Ελληνικά (Greek)" seçip kullanabilirsiniz.

Merhaba sağlık bakanlığı son gönderdiği yazıda hastaya yapılan işlemlerin anlık tsim ekranına gönderilmesini ve e-nabızda görünmesini istiyor diş hekimlerinden. Bununla alakalı sisteminizde yardımcı olacak enstrüman var mıdır?

Dr.DENTES Dental Practice Management Software

Dr.DENTES Sağlık Bakanlığı ile uyumludur. Yaptığınız tedavileri USS/e-Nabız'a gönderebilirsiniz. USS kullanmaya başlamak için AYARLAR > Hakkımızda sayfasındaki Dr.DENTES USS / e-Nabız başlığını inceleyebilirsiniz. Dr.DENTES'te TSİM raporunu aylık olarak oluşturabilirsiniz. Bu tür sorularınızı WhatsApp hattımız üzerinden sorabilirsiniz.


Bazı hastaların tedavi tutarının gizli kalması güzel olabilir. Klinik sorumlusu olarak hastayla anlaşılan fiyat çok uygun olduğunda bunun personel tarafından görülmesi hoş değil. Bunun için kullanıcılara ''TEDAVİ TUTARI GİZLEME ve GÖRÜNTÜLEME'' yetkisi oluşturulup, gizlenen tedavi tutarı bu yetkiye sahip olmayan tüm kullanıcılar gizlenmeli, sadece yetkiye sahip kişiler görebilmeli. Yani gizlenen tutar tüm hastalarda geçerli olup belirli kullanıcılara değil de, yetkiye sahip olmayan tüm kullanıcılara kapalı olmalı. Şuanda mevcut erişebilirlik, kullanıcının tüm hastaların tedavi tutarını görmemesini sağlıyor. Buradaki talep, KLİNİK SORUMLUSUNUN GİZLEDİĞİ HASTALARIN FİYATI GÖRÜNMEMESİ. Bu da demek oluyor ki ''TEDAVİ TUTARI GİZLEME ve GÖRÜNTÜLEME'' yetkisi verilen kişi, yani banko veya muhasebe personeli, hastayla anlaştığı fiyatı istenmeyen tüm personellerden gizleyebilir.

İyi çalışmalar dilerim.

Dr.DENTES Dental Practice Management Software

AYARLAR > Kullanıcı'dan Oral sayfasındaki fiyatları görmesini istemediğiniz kullanıcının "HASTA > Oral (Fiyat)"da "Göster" yetkisini kaldırabilirsiniz.


Advances in dentistry...


If you have any questions, just fill in the contact form, and we will answer you in a short time.

Sanal Yazılım Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.


Akdeniz Mh. 1353 Sk. Taner İş Merkezi No: 1/204 İZMİR, TÜRKİYE


+90 (506) 188 20 19


Bank Accounts

Receiver: Sanal Yazılım Bilgisayar Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Bank: İş Bankası - İzmir Branch

IBAN (TRY): TR29 0006 4000 0013 4003 2571 92

IBAN (EUR): TR43 0006 4000 0023 4002 7380 82

IBAN (USD): TR68 0006 4000 0023 4002 7428 70


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