Detaillierte Berichte

Detaillierte Berichte

Dr.DENTES prepares what you ask for!

  • Progress payment calculation report.
  • You can list which dentist done how many of which treatment and the treatment prices. Also you can measure dentist performance.
  • You can list the patients that have debt.
  • You can list the patients that will be called for control.
  • You can get list according to information in the patient card.
  • You can see with numbers and graphs; how many patients were added in which year; how much diagnosis, planning, treatment has been done, how much money has been in/out; which treatments were used the most, which doctor did how much treatment etc. You can get all these reports according to the specified date range too.
  • You can list the invoices you have issued daily, monthly, annually or in the desired date range. It can guide your gross calculation of monthly VAT, quarterly temporary tax and annual corporate tax.
  • You can always reach your data size and traffic report of your monthly Dr.DENTES usage.
  • The reports you create can be downloaded to your device in PDF or Excel format. You can print your reports.
  • You can send bulk SMS to the patients in your report. (SMS system is only avaliable for Turkey for now)
  • “GDPR/VERBİS Data Set” report in compliance with the VERBİS record required for healthcare providers (practice, clinic, etc.) in accordance with the Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kanunu (KVKK). This report is provided to facilitate your inventory preparation, it is not sufficient for VERBİS registration and compliance with KVKK/GDPR! ("VERBİS" report is only avaliable for Turkey. KVKK is the equivalent of GDPR in Turkey.)
  • Temel Sağlık İstatistikleri Modülü (TSİM) report. ("TSİM" report is only avaliable for Turkey)
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