

It is tiring to make reminders about appointments, payments and to run after them. Wouldn't it be nice if they could do these automatically for you? (SMS system is only avaliable for Turkey for now)

  • Dr.DENTES, with automatic SMS; sends to patients who have an appointment tomorrow, those whose periodic control date is due, and those who have a birthday.Also you can use automatic SMS sending when you make an appointment and receive payment from patient.
  • You can send single or bulk SMS to patients.You can make SMS sending immediately or at a later date.
  • You can use ready-made SMS contents for appointment reminder, balance reminder, birthday celebration and periodic check.
  • With the "SMS Send Report" button, you can check whether the SMS you sent reaches the recipient or not.
  • With the "SMS Send Report" button, you can check whether the SMS you sent reaches the recipient or not.
  • With the "Get Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kanunu (KVKK) / GDPR approval via SMS" button, you can get KVKK/GDPR approval from your patients via SMS.
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