Dentistry is always in flux as it is in constant interaction with patients, from anamnesis to treatment: A new technology arrives, patient wishes change, new demands are met, another new development occurs... Each small change creates a trend that all dentistry must follow over time. We would like to share with you a few of the developments that will move dentistry forward.
Since Apple revolutionized Siri voice technology, it can take over some of your work at any time, from the time a prospective patient first applies for treatment to the moment they complete their treatment and start enjoying their health. From voice response systems to entering treatment records with your voice, you can complete many tasks quickly, completely and without being forgotten.
Since Generation Z patient candidates are born into the internet, they want to know which treatments will be applied to them and how. Being visually satisfied is their first requirement. Following this condition, the second condition that they cannot tolerate waiting is the delay of the treatment! From appointment scheduling to the purchase of materials to be used in the treatment, you can meet your needs with online solutions at any time - even in the middle of the night! You can order the materials to be used in the treatment but not in your stock from the e-commerce site ( at night and receive them in your office in the morning. Generation Z can request an appointment on your website, or they can reach you through websites that offer a list of physicians ( Even foreign patients can reach you through these sites ( if you define yourself well.
Each of us is special, but it drives us crazy when we are treated as generic. From classic holiday messages to annoying, sales-oriented calls, we are desensitized by general, majority-targeted approaches. We expect our treatment to be treated with care and follow-up. From the healing of the extraction site to the reminder of our teeth whitening appointment, we expect many needs to be remembered by our dentist and even to be given our appointment. So, can you do all this? Or do you need the support of a smart artificial intelligence?
What is the level of patient satisfaction? Does the treatment fulfill its function? Or is there a loss of quality of life? Can you really get this information? What was his/her previous treatment experience like? Was it sad, painful and avoiding the next treatment? Or will she want to come to you as if she were going on a vacation?
Are you prepared for these and more?
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