Appointment Management

Appointment Management

Don't let appointments manage you, you manage them!

  • You can see your appointment book weekly or daily, according to dentist or unit.
  • You can share your appointments with Apple Calendar (iPhone, iPad) or Google Calendar (Android).
  • You can determine whether appointments can be made outside of the dentist's working hours.
  • You can color appointments by description or dentist. Also appointment periods and durations can be arrenged.
  • Lunch break, past appointments, special days can be shown in different colors.
  • While adding a new appointment, when you enter patient name and surname Dr.DENTES makes a quick examination. It suggests creating a patient card if there is not a patient as entered name and surname. If there is more than one patient in same name and surname it asks for which patient do you want to make appointment.
  • Dr.DENTES reminds you the control appointments with warning system 24 hours before the appointment.
  • You can move appointment record with drag and drop.
  • You can copy the appointment records for another appointment.
  • Appointment situations are symbolized with signs. ("-" for did not come, "+" for came etc.)
  • You can open the patient card that appointment connects. If it is not connected to any patient cards the selections are showed. (creating new patient card if patient is new, if patient recorded in system making choices...)
  • You can remind your patients appointments with messages.
  • When you hover over the appointments on the computer, you can see the details about the appointment.
  • You get warning when you make an appointment with your "unreliable" patients.
  • When you making an appointment you can see the previous appointments and the appointments that your patient did not come.
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