OPTIONS > Appointment

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The color and duration of the dentists' appointment descriptions are listed. Color and Period can be changed upon request. To do this, select the relevant line from the list and press the Change () button. In the Change window that opens, make the desired changes in the Period, Background and Text fields and use the Save button to save. The existing Appointment description and dentist record in the list cannot be deleted. The New () button is used to add an appointment description. In the New window that opens, the Description, Period, Background and Text fields are specified and the appointment description is added with the Save button. The added comment can be deleted () or changed () by selecting it from the list. The Clear () button in the Change window returns the Color, Appointment description Color and Period of the selected physician to the default value.

The Clear () button on the page returns the Color, Appointment descriptions Color and Period of the dentist in the list to the default value.

When " Show past appointments as different" is checked, past appointments will be grayed out on the Appointment page.

With Appointment Period, the time interval of appointments on the Appointment page is selected.

Color selects whether the appointments on the Appointment page will be colored according to the description or the dentist. When "By description" is selected, it is colored according to the descriptions in the Appointment table, and when "By Dentist" is selected, it is colored according to the dentists in the Appointment table.

 Share Appointment Calendar: Provides access to your appointments from your iPhone, iPad or Android device calendar. Appointments of the "Dentist" selected from the window that opens are shared. The device to be shared is clicked and the following steps are followed. A link is provided to share the appointment. This link must be kept confidential. Otherwise, third parties can see your appointments. Having access to your appointments increases your Dr.DENTES traffic.

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