REPORT > Account Book

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To describe it briefly; "business balance sheet". Income (Received moneys) information is displayed on the left, and expense (Paid moneys) information is displayed on the right. What is received from patients constitutes income, while what is paid to other businesses and services constitutes expenses. The received report result is also shown graphically at the end of the page.

When REPORT > Account Book is selected Daily balance records are listed. Clicking the  Monthly and Yearly buttons automatically adjusts the dates of the Received moneys and Paid moneys sections. You can switch between   Daily, Monthly or Yearly reports with the Previous and Next buttons. The "Difference" between received and paid is shown in green at the bottom left. This is the amount of money in the safe. If paid is more than received; "Difference" in red appears on the right. This can be interpreted as spending money that does not exist, or it can be explained as spending money that was already in the safe.

Received moneys; This is the section where the money received from patients is displayed. To create the report we received, Date range, Patients name, Family, Group, Payment type and on behalf of which dentist the money was received can be selected. Once the criteria are set, the Report () button lists.

Paid moneys; This is where payments made on expense cards are reported. Criteria such as Date Range, Expense card, Account Type, Payment type, which dentist was paid for can be selected to create the report. It is displayed with the Report () button.

 Report: Lists after the criteria are set.

 Print: The displayed notebook is printed.

 Download: Downloads the report of money received in the Received moneys section and the report of money paid in the Paid moneys section.

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