AUSGABE > Kaufrechnung

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With the New () button, a Purchase Invoice is created for the material receipt. Labels for mandatory information are marked in red. Information about previously saved Purchase Invoices seen on the screen is edited with Change (). Changes made can be abandoned (). Save () is used to store the entered information. Purchase Invoice can be deleted with Delete (). f the material on the purchase invoice has been used in any treatment, no changes can be made to that material and the Purchase Invoice cannot be deleted.

You can switch between Purchase Invoices with the Previous () and Next () buttons.

Search () is used to search the expense cards for which the Purchase Invoice will be processed. When a blank search is made, all expense cards are listed. You can search by "Account Type".

Descriptions of the fields on the Purchase Invoice;

Purchase Invoice cannot be recorded without filling in the Invoice Title, Invoice #, Date, Tax office and Tax No fields. Other fields are filled optionally.

Information regarding the Invoice Title, Address, City, District, Tax office and Tax No fields comes automatically from the relevant expense card and can be edited if desired. In subsequent purchase invoices, the last entered tax information is automatically displayed.

Invoice #: The number of the Purchase Invoice is entered.

Date: The date of the Purchase Invoice is entered.

Depot: The warehouse where material will be entered is selected.

The material line clicked on the materials list is added to the purchase invoice. You can search for materials from the Find and Barcode No fields. When " Previously purchased" is checked, the materials in the Purchase invoices previously recorded in the Expense card are listed. If the tracking type on the Stock Card of the material to be added is Serial No, a special window opens for that material and materials with different serial numbers can be added. In the window that opens, it is mandatory to fill in the red fields. When adding a material and making changes to the VAT%, Purchase Unit Price and Currency fields, the values on the Stock Card change automatically.

Descriptions of the fields in the opened window;

Material with Serial No tracking type cannot be recorded without filling in the Material, Purchase Unit, VAT%, Purchase Unit Price(Tax Incl.) and Serial No fields. Other fields are filled optionally.

Material: You can choose from the features defined on the Stock Card. If the property is not defined, the material name on the stock card is included by default and can be edited.

Purchase Unit: Selection is made from the Purchasing Units defined in the Stock Card.

VAT%: By default, the VAT rate on the Stock Card is included and can be edited.

Purchase Unit Price(Tax Incl.): By default, the unit price including VAT on the Stock Card is included and can be edited.

Warranty End Date: If the material has a warranty date, it is written.

Serial No:The serial number of the material is written, the product is added to the list by pressing the () button. If there is a barcode reader, click on the Serial No field and when the product is scanned with the barcode reader, it is added to the list. The product that you want to delete from the list is deleted with Delete () at the end of the line.

With Save (), the materials are added to the Invoice Items field. 

In the Invoice Items section, the materials added to the purchase invoice are listed. Lines that will not be included in the purchase invoice are removed with the (Remove from list) button. If changes are to be made to the materials in the Invoice Items, they are selected from the list and the Change () button is pressed. It is mandatory to fill in the red fields in the Change window that opens. When changes are made to the VAT%, Price, Amount, Total and Currency fields, the values on the Stock Card change automatically.

Descriptions of the fields in the Edit window that opens;

Depot: The warehouse where material will be entered is selected.

Material: You can choose from the features defined on the Stock Card. If the property is not defined, the material name on the stock card is included by default and can be edited.

AmountThe material quantity on the Purchase Invoice is entered.

Unit: The material unit on the Purchase Invoice is selected. The units you define in the Unit Conversions section are listed here.

Price: By default, the Tax Excl. Purchase Unit Price on the Stock Card is included and can be edited.

Amount: The total amount is included according to the amount.

VAT %: By default, the VAT rate on the Stock Card is included and can be edited.

Total: Tax Incl. TotalAmount is included.

Serial No: If available, the serial number of the material is entered. This field is mandatory for Stock Cards with Tracking Type "Serial Number".

Warranty End Date: Warranty expiry date of the material type on the Purchase Invoice can be entered.

Expiry Date: Expiration date of the material type on the Purchase Invoice can be entered.

After all transactions are completed, the purchase invoice is recorded with the () button and entered into the stock.


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