BERİCHT > Stock Movements

Hilfe Inhalte auf English (EN) werden angezeigt, da es in der von Ihnen verwendeten Sprache keine Hilfeinhalte gibt.

A list of stock movements is obtained daily, weekly, monthly, annually or within the desired date range. Different reports can be created using Expense card, Patient, Material, Serial No, Depot, Type and Stock Card criteria.

Clicking the icon () next to the Warehouse name in the reported list opens the relevant Depots page, clicking the icon () next to the Stock Code opens the Inventory Card page, clicking the icon () next to the Expense Card name opens the Expense Card page, and clicking the icon () next to the Purchase Invoice opens the relevant Purchase Invoice page.

 Report: Lists after the criteria are set.

 Print: The appointment list is printed.

 Download: The appointment list is downloaded.

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