English (EN) sadržaj pomoći je prikazan jer nema sadržaja pomoći na jeziku koji koristite.

When you enter the page, the "List criteria" window opens first. The fields that you want to appear in the list to be reported are marked in the Show column. A maximum of 10 fields can be marked. After the list is created, the list can be sorted ascending/descending by clicking on the column headings in the table.

 List criteria: Allows to display matching records from the fields in the Patient card according to the information entered in the Min, Max and Contains columns. The fields that are desired to appear in the list are marked. Matching records are listed with the  List button.

 Report: Lists after setting criteria.

 Print: Prints the reported list.

 Download: Downloads the reported list.

Članci na ovom sajtu ne mogu biti citirani ili kopirani bez dozvole i bez navođenja izvora.

Koristimo kolačiće da bismo poboljšali vaše iskustvo, analizirali korišćenje sajta i pomogli u marketinškim naporima. Nastavkom pregledanja našeg sajta ili zatvaranjem ovog obaveštenja, potvrđujete da ste pročitali i prihvatili naš Politika kolačića.