OPCIJE > Stomatolog

English (EN) sadržaj pomoći je prikazan jer nema sadržaja pomoći na jeziku koji koristite.

A new dentist is created with the button. Labels for mandatory information are marked in red. A new dentist cannot be created without filling in the Name, Surname, ID Number fields. Other fields are filled optionally. The previously saved dentist information on the screen is edited with Change (). Changes made can be abandoned (). Save () is used to store the entered information. Dentists who have no affiliated records can be deleted (). A physician who is affiliated with or has performed a procedure on any patient cannot be deleted.

Information entered in the Name, Surname, Speciality, Wired phone, Country, City, Town, Address ve Office Hours fields can be seen on smileparadise.org and dishek.org. In order to see this information, Publish status must be turned on on the "OPTIONS > dishek.org" page.

Lunch Break: The start and end times of the lunch break are selected. The hours selected here are shown in color in the notebook on the Appointment page.

Select Work start time from the first box next to the days in working hours, and select Work stop time from the second box. "Not work" should be selected on days when the physician is not working. Office Hours; Determines the physician's Appointment start and end time. When " Prevent appointments outside of working hours" is checked, appointments cannot be made outside the doctor's working hours.

Status: There are two options: Active and Passive. Physicians who are inactive do not appear on the PATIENT > Patient card, PATIENT > Oral, PATIENT > Prescription and Appointment pages.

Progress Payment Percantage: This is the percentage to be used to calculate the receivables of dentists working with premiums. Progress Payment Percantage; It shows what percentage of the money received from the patient or the cost of the treatment provided to the patient will be paid to the physician. It is used in progress payment calculation. The premium table can be viewed from REPORT > Progress Payment.

Članci na ovom sajtu ne mogu biti citirani ili kopirani bez dozvole i bez navođenja izvora.

Koristimo kolačiće da bismo poboljšali vaše iskustvo, analizirali korišćenje sajta i pomogli u marketinškim naporima. Nastavkom pregledanja našeg sajta ili zatvaranjem ovog obaveštenja, potvrđujete da ste pročitali i prihvatili naš Politika kolačića.