IZVEŠTAJ > Tretman

English (EN) sadržaj pomoći je prikazan jer nema sadržaja pomoći na jeziku koji koristite.

Dentist, Group, Diagnosis/Treatments branches and procedures (Treatments, Planning or Diagnosis) performed within the selected date range are listed. Once the criteria are set, the Report () button lists. The list is in descending order by date. In the list; The procedure performed, patient name, dentist and treatment cost are displayed. The total treatment cost is shown at the bottom left. The report lists 10 rows of transactions. If the list is longer, its continuation can be seen on the following pages. With the “Invoiced” and “Unreceipted” options, you can see which treatments are invoiced and which treatments are not invoiced.

 Report: Lists after the criteria are set.

 Print: The process list is printed.

 Download: The transaction list is downloaded.

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