English (EN) sadržaj pomoći je prikazan jer nema sadržaja pomoći na jeziku koji koristite.

A list of daily, weekly, monthly or desired date range appointments is obtained. Different reports can be created with the criteria of UnitDentistDescriptionStatus, Name Surname, Phone and Notes.

When you click on the icon () next to the date in the reported list, the date of the relevant appointment opens in the Appointment book. When you click on the icon () next to Name and Surname, the relevant patient card opens. The appointment that does not have a symbol () next to the Name Surname does not have a patient card or the appointment has not been linked to the patient card.

 Report: Lists after the criteria are set.

 Print: The appointment list is printed.

 Download: The appointment list is downloaded.

Članci na ovom sajtu ne mogu biti citirani ili kopirani bez dozvole i bez navođenja izvora.

Koristimo kolačiće da bismo poboljšali vaše iskustvo, analizirali korišćenje sajta i pomogli u marketinškim naporima. Nastavkom pregledanja našeg sajta ili zatvaranjem ovog obaveštenja, potvrđujete da ste pročitali i prihvatili naš Politika kolačića.