OPTIONS > Clinique

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This is the page containing information about the clinic. Changes are made to the information with the Change () button. Changes made can be abandoned (). Save () is used to store the entered information.

Company code: Used when logging in to Dr.DENTES. This code is fixed and cannot be changed.

Company name: Enter the name of the clinic. It is included in the printouts.

The information entered in the Tax office, Tax number, Address, Wired phone, E-mail, Web site fields can be seen in the Rest Report in PATIENT > Patient card, in the Treatments, Diagnosis and Planning printouts in PATIENT > Oral, and in the Prescription printout in PATIENT > Prescription.

Landing Page: The page you want to open when you log in to Dr.DENTES is selected.

Cost Percentage: It is the cost percentage of the treatment price. It is used in vesting. If the cost is not required when calculating the progress payment, 0 (zero) is written.

Unit count: The number of patient treatment chairs (dental units) in the clinic is entered. If there is more than one unit, the appointment book is displayed by unit. If there is only one dentist and one unit, this number should remain one (1).

Bank Cost Percentage: The bank charges a commission for credit card payments. If this commission is to be reflected to the patient, the commission received by the bank is calculated using this rate. It is added to the patient account. If automatic calculation of the bank charge is not desired and the bank charge amount determined by the user is wanted to be reflected to the patient, 0 (zero) is entered. If the bank charge will not be reflected to the patient, it is left blank. All bank charges are shown on the REPORT > Account Book page and are deducted from that day's turnover.

Dental drawings on oral print: Select whether the oral chart will be shown on the Treatment, Proforma and Diagnosis printouts on the PATIENT > Oral page. By default, "Show both permanent and deciduous teeth" is selected. Printouts on the oral page show both permanent and primary teeth. When "Close" is selected, the oral chart is not shown in Treatment, Proforma and Diagnosis printouts. When "Show only treated ones" is selected, in the Treatment, Proforma and Diagnosis printouts; If the procedure was done on permanent teeth, it shows the permanent teeth, and if the procedure was done on the primary teeth, it shows the primary teeth. If there is a procedure on both, it shows both permanent and primary teeth.

Show prices in oral print: "Open" by default. When "Close", the prices of the treatments applied in the Treatment and Planning page on the PATIENT > Oral page are not shown in the treatment and proforma printouts.

Show discounts in oral print: "Open" by default. When "Close", the value of the discount made in Treatment and Planning on the PATIENT > Oral page is not shown in the treatment and proforma printouts.

Show letterhead in oral print: "Open" by default. When "Close", clinical information (logo, Tax office, Tax number, Address, Wired phone, E-mail, Web site) and page footers will not be displayed on the Treatment and Proforma printouts on the PATIENT > Oral page.

Notification system: Select whether Dr.DENTES warnings will be shown or not. By default it is "Open". Warnings are displayed at the top right of Dr.DENTES (1). Warnings read here are marked (). When the number of unread alerts is 100 or more, the "Notification system" automatically turns off. When the warning system is turned on again, if the number of unread warnings is not reduced below 100 within 1 hour, the warning system will automatically turn off again. (See: Notification)

Remind control appointments: By default, it is "Close". When "Open", when an appointment is made with the Control description on the Appointment page, you will be reminded with a warning system 24 hours before that appointment. When "Close" no alerts are displayed.

Remind measurement appointments: By default, it is "Close". When "Open", when an appointment is made with the Measurement description on the Appointment page, you will be reminded with a warning system 24 hours before that appointment. When "Close" no alerts are displayed.

Remind prosthesis rehearsal appointments: By default, it is "Close". When "Open", when an appointment is made with the Prosthesis rehearsal description on the Appointment page, you will be reminded with a warning system on the morning of that appointment day. When "Close" no alerts are displayed.

Let the patient's dentist be selected at the appointment: When it is "Open", the patient's default physician is automatically selected when making an appointment with the registered patient (if available on the appointed day and time). When "Close", the first available physician among the physicians whose appointments are selected to be shown is automatically selected. In any case, the physician selection can be changed manually. (See: Appointment)

Hide notes: "Close" by default. When "Open", the PATIENT > Notes and images and Image page appears with Notes turned off and can be optionally turned on or off momentarily. (See: Note and Image)

A picture of the clinic's logo is taken with the Camera () button, or a previously taken logo picture is uploaded with the Upload  () button. The logo uploaded to the clinic can be deleted ().

Note: The clinic's logo appears on the Rest Report in PATIENT > Patient card, on the Proforma, Treatments and Diagnosis printouts in PATIENT > Oral, and on the Prescription  printout in PATIENT > Prescription.

Dr.DENTES data can be backed up whenever desired. If an E-mail address is not entered on this page, a backup cannot be made! It is determined whether photos and images will be backed up with the “ Include patient photos in backup” and “ Include patient images in backup” options. With the Backup button, Dr.DENTES saves the backup request and prepares the backup when available. Preparing the backup and downloading it by you will reflect traffic to your account equal to 1.6 times the data size of the backup. If the remaining monthly traffic limit at the time of backup is less than 1.6 times the current data size, patient photographs or images cannot be included in the backup. When the backup is ready, Dr.DENTES will send an email to the email address on this page and show an alert (1). At this stage, the backup can be downloaded encrypted using Download. The downloaded backup is opened with Password in the Backup section.

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