OPTIONS > Stérilisation

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Sterilization stages are recorded.

Dirty Inlet: Instruments that have been used or sterilized on any patient but are waiting are listed. Click on the line of the instruments that you want to sterilize from the list, select Deliverer and Reciever and enter dirty with the Save button. If the barcode system is installed, the barcode of the deliverer and the barcode of the recipient are scanned sequentially. Then, the barcodes of all the received instruments are scanned one by one and they are selected from the list. Finally, the dirty entry is made by scanning the save barcode.

Washing: Tools entered as dirty are listed. Click on the line of the instruments to be washed from the list, select the TransactorWashing TypeStarting date and Completion Date. With the Now ()  button in the start and end date field, the current time is written in the time field, and the time can be changed manually if desired. With Save, the tools are sent to the packaging stage. If a barcode system is installed, the barcode of the person performing the operation and the barcode of the washing type/device are scanned sequentially. Afterwards, the washing start time is determined by scanning the watch barcode. Then, the barcodes of all the instruments to be washed are scanned one by one and they are selected from the list. The tools are washed and then the washing end time is determined by re-scanning the watch barcode. Finally, the process is completed by scanning the save barcode and the tools are sent to the packaging stage.

Packaging: The tools to be packaged are selected from the list. The barcode of the package is written in the Package No field, or if there is a barcode reader, click on this field to scan the package barcode and write it automatically. Package Name is written, TransactorSterilization Method and Sterile Durability (Days) are selected and the packaging stage is saved with the Save button. If a barcode system is installed, the barcode of the person performing the transaction and the barcode of the package are scanned in turn. Then, the tools to be placed in that package are placed in the package by scanning their barcodes one by one. Finally, the packaging process is completed by scanning the save barcode.

Sterilization: Place in Sterilizer section, the instruments to be placed in the sterilization device are selected from the list, the Transactor and the Device in which they will be placed are selected and the Save button is pressed. Select the instruments removed from the sterilization device from the Remove from Sterilizer section and press the Save button. If the barcode system is installed, the barcode of the person performing the operation and the barcode of the sterilization device are scanned in the Place in Sterilizer section, respectively. Afterwards, the barcodes of all packages to be placed in the device are scanned one by one and placed in the device. The save barcode is scanned and the placement into the sterilization device is completed. In the Remove from Sterilizer section, the barcodes of all packages removed from the device are scanned one by one and they are selected from the list. Finally, the sterilization process is completed by scanning the save barcode.

Exit: Selecting who delivers and receives which device by pressing the Save button. If the barcode system is installed, the barcode of the deliverer and the barcode of the recipient are scanned in order. Then, the barcodes of all packages to be delivered are scanned one by one and the delivery is completed. Finally, the record of the transaction is completed by scanning the save barcode. 

Usage: Select which instruments were used on which Patients and in which Application (dates received) and press the Save button.

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