STOCK > Fiche de stock

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The Stock Card to be followed is opened with the New () button. Labels for mandatory information are marked in red. The information of the previously saved stock card seen on the screen is edited with Change (). Changes made can be abandoned (). Save () is used to store the entered information. Existing stock cards cannot be deleted. If there is no stock movement for the added stock card, it can be deleted ().

You can switch between stock cards with the Prev () and Next () buttons. 

Stock cards can be searched with Search (). When a blank search is performed, all stock cards are listed. You can search by "Material Type".

Descriptions of the fields on the stock card;

A Stock Card cannot be opened without filling in the Name, Material, Consumables, Consumable Unit Price and Consumption Money Unity fields.

Name: The name of the stock card is written, it cannot be changed after it is saved.

Material: The type of the Stock Card is selected as "Material", "Labor", or "Production", it cannot be changed after it is saved.

Tracking Type: Tracking type is selected.
- Normal: Input and output of the stock card are made normally..
- Serial No: Entries and exits of the stock card are made with the serial number. If the "Use Materials in Treatment" setting on the OPTIONS > Clinic page is turned on, an automatic material selection screen appears while the treatment is being processed on the Oral page.

Consumption Type: Select how the stock card is consumed.
- Normal: Selected if each material/production/workmanship of the stock card is used in more than one treatment. For example, filler can be used in more than one treatment.
- One to one: Selected if each material/production/workmanship of the stock card is used in a single treatment. For example, one implant is used in 1 treatment.

Stock Code: This is the code assigned to the Stock Card by Dr.DENTES.

Purchase Unit: Select the unit from which the Stock Card is procured.

Purchase Unit Price (Tax Incl.): The unit price including VAT is written.

Purchase Currency Unit: Select the currency in which the Stock Card is purchased.

Consumables: The consumption unit of the Stock Card is selected, it cannot be changed after it is saved.

Consumable Unit Price: The unit price is written.

Consumption Money Unity: Currency is selected.

Critical Stock Amount: A warning () is received when the stock amount in any warehouse falls below the amount written here. If left blank, no warning will be received.

Barcode No: The barcode number is written or the barcode is read with a barcode reader. Barcode number provides convenience when entering the Purchase Invoice.

Unit Conversions: For convenience when entering or exiting the stock, how many consumable units will be obtained from a purchase unit is entered in the "Unit Conversions" section. For example, Filling Material is purchased in Pieces or Packages, but consumed in Grams. Here you enter how many grams of filler are in 1 piece and 1 package. Thus, entries and exits to the stock are easily made with the units defined here.

Material Properties: Properties such as brand, model, color and size can be added to the Stock Card for convenience when entering or exiting the stock. "Feature Group" is created with "New Feature Group". Later, new features are added to the Feature Groups with "New Feature". Property Groups and Properties can be sorted using drag/drop. Property groups and Names of Properties are edited with Replace (). Changes made can be abandoned (). Save () is used to store the entered information. It can be deleted with delete (). Thus, entry and exit to the stock is easily done with the features defined here.

 Add Stock Movement: Adds entry, exit and warehouse transfer transactions to the stock card. () After pressing the button, the inventory transaction adding window opens. Labels for mandatory information are marked in red. Save () is used to store the entered information.

Descriptions of the fields in the Add Stock Movement window;

Type: Select "Into stock" if material will be entered into the stock, "Out from stock" if material will be issued from stock, and "Warehouse Transfer" if material will be transferred between warehouses. When "Depot Stock Transfer" is selected, "Depot (Source)" and "Depot (Destination)" fields appear.

Depot: Select which warehouse the "Into stock" or "Out from stock" transaction will be added to.

Depot (Source): Select which warehouse the transfer will be made from.

Depot (Target): Select which warehouse the transfer will be made to.

Material: You can choose from the features defined on the Stock Card. If the property is not defined, the material name on the stock card is included by default and can be edited.

Amount: The amount of the stock movement is entered.

Unit:  The unit of the stock movement is selected. The units you define in the Unit conversions section are listed here.

Price: By default, the Purchase Unit Price excluding VAT on the Stock Card is included and can be edited.

Amount: The total amount is included according to the amount.

VAT %: By default, the VAT rate on the Stock Card is included and can be edited.

Total: Includes total amount information including VAT.

Serial No: If available, the serial number of the material is entered. This field is mandatory for Stock Cards with Tracking Type "Serial No".

Warranty End Date: Warranty expiry date of the material type for which stock movement is made can be entered.

Expiry Date: Expiration date of the material type for which stock movement is made can be entered.

Patient: Selection can be made if the stock movement of the movement is related to any patient.

 Stock Movements: Stock Movements are examined. After pressing the button, the stock transactions window opens. Red lines show exit from stock, green lines show entry into stock. The table contains information such as on which date and for which warehouse the relevant stock movement took place. Only transactions added from the Stock Card page can be deleted with Delete().  Stock Movements consisting of Treatment, Purchase Invoice or Automatic Cost Calculation cannot be deleted here.


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