PATIENT > Notes et images

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With the New () button, notes are written about the symptom, treatment notes, or the uploaded image/file. Notes can be written with the keyboard or can be PRINTED by voice using the icon. When adding notes, notes marked " Important" appear in the list with a red frame. If the "Show important notes in Patient" setting is turned on on the OPTIONS > Clinic page, notes marked as "Important" will be shown when accessing the Patient card and Oral pages. When  " Match with image on screen" is checked, your note will be associated with the on-screen image. When the image is on, the background of the relevant note turns yellow. If there is an image of the selected note in the list, it will be displayed on the screen. The selected note can be deleted () or modified ().

The Find box is used to search within notes.

If the "Hide notes" setting is turned on in the OPTIONS > Clinic page, notes will not be shown when you enter the page. Notes will be opened when the " Notes" heading is checked. Notes will be closed again when you switch to another patient or refresh the page.


DICOM, Periapical, RVG, Intraoral photographs, drawings and pdf files of the patient can be uploaded.

Images can be taken with a personal computer, tablet, mobile phone or intraoral camera () or a previously taken photo can be uploaded (). The image loaded on the card can be downloaded () or deleted ().

Images/files can be navigated with the Prev () and Next () buttons.

While taking images with the camera, an image can be captured with sound, the captured image can be saved or the camera window can be closed. To do this, first the Camera window opens. Then click "Snapshot" to freeze the image, "Save" to save, and "Cancel" to close it. It is enough to say "Camera" to open the camera window again without leaving the Notes and images page. 1 second of silence is required before and after commands. Commands should be said clearly and loudly. (If the red microphone () is not visible at the bottom left of the camera window, your device/browser may not support it.)

If there are two (2) or more images, the All Images () button will be active. Up to eight (8) thumbnail images are displayed in the All Images window. If there are more images, you can switch between pages with the Prev () and Next () buttons, or the images on the relevant page can be shown by selecting the page number. Clicking on the image once selects the image. Clicking again cancels the selection. The selected image(s) can be associated with teeth or jaws. Click on the tooth number or jaw to be associated and confirm it by pressing the Okay button in the window that opens. If there is an associated image, the relevant tooth number or jaw name appears in blue in the table (Top Right, 18) and shows the relevant images when clicked. Below the small images, the date they were uploaded and the associated tooth number or jaw name, if any, can be seen. The image to be removed from the tooth or jaw is selected, then click on "Free" in the table and press the  Okay button in the window that opens.

The selected image can be downloaded to the device (), one or more images can be deleted by selecting (), a comparison can be made by selecting at least two (2) and a maximum of four (4) images (), and a single image can be displayed in full screen and acted upon ().

The patient's name and image information are displayed on the Comparison and Image Editor screens.

 Compare: Compares selected images, minimum 2 and maximum 4.

 Image Editor: Shows the image in full screen and allows you to manipulate it. The transaction can either be done instantly and exited without saving with the Close button, or if desired, the operations can be Save with the () button. Once the operations are saved, the old image CANNOT be accessed again. After displaying the image in full screen, the following operations can be performed;

 Normal: Displays the image at its original size.

 Maximize: Fits the image to the screen.

 Zoom in: Zooms the image.

 Zoom out: Zooms out the image.

 Rotate left: Rotates the image 90 degrees to the left with each press.

 Rotate right: Rotates the image 90 degrees to the right with each press.

 Mirror horizontal: Flips the image horizontally.

 Mirror vertical: Flips the image vertically.

 Crop: Crops the image. As soon as the button is pressed, the color of the button turns blue and the cropping tool opens on the image. The area you want to crop is placed in the FRAME and the Apply Crop () button is pressed to complete the process. To cancel the cropping process, press the () button, which turns blue.

 Invert: Invert colors.

 Sobel: Edge detection tool.

 Laplace: Edge sharpening tool.

 Brightness: Brightness adjustment tool.

 Contrast: Contrast adjustment tool.

 Threshold: Differentiation threshold tool.


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