PATIENT > Ordonnance

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The new recipe is created with the  button. The number in the protocol book is written in the  "Protocol No" field. Indications defined in the system can be used when writing a prescription. In addition to the standard prescription provided by the indication, additions can be made from the Drug List. The medication line clicked in the Drug List is added to the prescription. On the second click on the same line, the medicine is removed from the prescription.

Dosage, usage and description information of the drugs added to the prescription can be changed () or removed from the prescription if desired (). Finally, the prescription () is saved.

You can navigate between recipes with the Prev () and Next () buttons. the prescription that appears on the screen. If "ID Number" is written on the patient's card, it will be seen on the printer printout.

The saved recipe can be modified () or deleted (). () is canceled while on the change screen.

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