PATIENT > Facture

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The New () button is used for the invoice. Missing information in the red fields must be completed. If the patient is to be invoiced for the first time, "TR ID Number" will be entered in the "Tax office" and the patient's "ID Number" will be entered in the Tax No, and an e-mail will automatically be sent to the E-mail.

The most recently entered tax information is automatically included in subsequent invoices. In the Invoice Items section, treatments that have not been invoiced or have been partially invoiced are listed. The amount and name of the treatment selected from this list can be changed with the Change () button. The total of selected rows can be increased/decreased by percentage or amount by using Round (~). If the amount of the invoiced treatment is less than the treatment amount in  PATIENT > Oral, the same treatment may be billed again. Lines that will not be included in the invoice are removed from the invoice with the button. On the computer, multiple selections are made by holding down the "Ctrl / Command (⌘)" key on the keyboard and clicking the left mouse button.) After all operations are completed, the invoice is  with the button.

If the invoice is issued as Old Type / Printed invoice type, it is saved and printed on paper with the  button. For "Old Type / Printed" invoices, the areas to be printed on the invoice and their location   on the paper can be adjusted. The positions of the areas on the paper are measured and written one by one with the help of a ruler (See).

When the page is opened, if the patient has already been invoiced, the last invoice appears on the screen. You can navigate between issued invoices with the Previous () and Next () buttons.

Descriptions of the fields in the invoice;

Invoıce Type: Select the invoice type to be issued. 

Date: The date and time of the invoice are entered.

Invoice #: In the Old Type / Printed invoice, after writing the invoice number for any patient once, the Invoice # automatically increases according to the last value in the next invoice creation. The invoice number on the invoice paper must be the same as the invoice number here!

Invoice Title: Enter the name of the institution/person to whom the invoice will be issued.

Address: The address information of the person to whom the invoice is issued is written. The selected Town, City and Country information is added to the invoice after the address.

Settings: Invoice settings are made. The box  at the beginning of the setting you want to use is checked.

  • How many days of treatments should be listed on the new invoice?: By default, it is set to 0 (zero). When creating an invoice, the maximum number of days of uninvoiced treatments will appear in the Invoice Items list. When creating an invoice, the maximum number of days of uninvoiced treatments will appear in the Invoice Items list. When 0 is typed, all Treatments that have not been invoiced are listed.
  • Include tooth number in invoice item: Checked by default. The tooth/teeth for which the relevant treatment was performed is written at the end of the invoice item. If you do not want to display tooth numbers, the mark at the beginning of the setting is removed.

 Print Configuration

Distance from Left X (mm): The distance in millimeters (mm) from the left side of the paper to where the field will begin to be written.

Distance from Above Y (mm): The distance in millimeters (mm) from the top of the paper to where the area will begin to be written.

Width W (mm): The length of the field width in millimeters (mm).


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