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It is a daily or weekly appointment book. The start and end time of the book is calculated according to the working hours specified in “OPTIONS > Dentist”. You can move forward or backward between days or weeks with the help of arrows. The appointment book for the doctor and date selected from the top left is displayed. More than one physician can be selected. The appearance of the appointment book is adjusted with the Week, Day, Dentist and Unit buttons. In the dentist view, daily appointments of the selected dentists are shown. Hours when the physician is not working are shown in bold. When you move an appointment in the dentist view, the appointment's physician information changes. In the Unit view, the appointments of the selected physicians are shown in the selected units, and when an appointment is moved in this view, the Unit information of the appointment changes. When creating an appointment in the Week, Day and Dentist view, the unit to which the appointment will be added is selected from the Unit. A warning is given when an appointment is requested to be moved outside the doctors' working hours. Depending on availability; Appointments can be made today and in the future. Past appointments cannot be entered. To make an appointment, click on the line at the appropriate time or press the relevant area on touch screens.The appointment start time is shown in the title of the appointment window. After filling in the necessary information in the Appointment Entry form that opens, an appointment is created with Save (). The same steps are followed to delete () and change () appointments. If the same appointment will be given again at a later date; It is copied with the () button and the window for pasting closes automatically. The appointment is pasted to the clicked location. If the current appointment will be moved to another time, the () button is used. When the button is pressed, the Appointment window automatically closes and the appointment is moved to the clicked location. 

If no matching record is found in the Name Surname entry, "No patients with this name were found." warning appears. In this case, to create a patient card, click " Create the patient card when recording appointment." option must be selected. 

When making an appointment to a registered patient; If Unreliable is marked on the patient card, a warning as ***Unreliable*** is displayed under the Name Surname field when the relevant patient is selected. When patients who do not show up for their appointments are given a new appointment, the number of appointments they missed in the past and the total number of appointments in the past are displayed under the Name Surname field. For example, "Number of missed appointments in the past: 4", "Total number of appointments in the past: 5"

If only the name is visible when selecting a Dentist, the dentist is available at the selected time.The doctor seen in red on the list does not work on the selected appointment day and time or is out of working hours. The expression "| Not work" indicates that the physician is not working throughout the day, and the expression "| XX:XX-XX:XX (working start and end hours)" indicates that the appointment is outside the physician's working hours.

If you do not want to make an appointment outside of the doctor's working hours, " Prevent appointments outside of working hours" should be checked on the OPTIONS > Dentist page.  Thus, the phrase "| Appointment cannot be created" appears next to the physician's name and no selection can be made from the list. For example, "| Not work| Appointment cannot be created" or "| XX:XX-XX:XX | Appointment cannot be created".

The patient candidate to be followed is added to the patient candidate list with the button. When the button is clicked, the "Add to Candidate Patient List" window opens. If the appointment is not linked to any patient card, the patient card is automatically opened when the candidate is added to the patient list. If the patient does not want to be contacted, the " Commercial Message Confirmation" check is removed. A follow-up note about the patient is entered and added to the candidate patient list with the Save button. Patients added to the list are followed on the REPORT > Candidate Patient page.

When making an appointment for a registered patient, the patient's default physician is automatically selected. If the appointment is outside the doctor's working hours, the first available doctor is automatically selected. If desired, a different physician can be selected. If you want to make an appointment with the selected physician in the appointment book, regardless of the patient's physician, the "Let the patient's dentist be selected at the appointment" setting on the OPTIONS > Clinic page should be turned "Close". (This setting is "Open" by default.)

When making an appointment for a new or registered patient, the phone number can be entered.

In the appointment book; Appointment statuses are shown in parentheses next to patient names. Status;

(-) Miss,
(S) Suspend,
(C) Changed,
(+) Ok,
(W) Waiting,
(I) In treatment,
(A) Approved means.

If the appointment status is selected as "- Did not arrive" and the patient is diagnosed, planned or treated on the appointment day, the status is automatically changed to "+ Arrived". When the status of a saved appointment is changed to "Cancel", it will not appear in the Appointment book. Canceled appointments appear in REPORT > Appointment.

When "Control" and "Measure" are selected in the appointment description, a warning will be received 24 hours before that appointment, and when "Prosthesis rehearsal" is selected, a warning will be received on the morning of that appointment day. Alerts can be optionally turned off from the OPTIONS > Clinic page. For example, "The patient named Alvin DEAN has a follow-up appointment on 04.04.2024.".

The standard appointment book has 15-minute intervals. If desired, this time can be changed on the "OPTIONS > Appointment" page.

The color and duration of appointments depend on the selected description. The color and duration can be changed to the color you want on the "OPTIONS > Appointment" page.

Appointment duration can be changed by scrolling by pressing and holding the "=" sign on the underline of the appointment on the computer. The day and time of the appointment can be changed by drag and drop method.

If a note was entered when adding an appointment, 3 dots (•••) next to each other will appear under the appointment box.

To a date; The registered patient card can be accessed by pressing and holding the right mouse button on a computer or on touch-sensitive devices. If the appointment is not linked to the patient card, the "Pair with Patient Card" window opens.

  • If there is a patient card with this name, it is asked which "patient". New and patient options appear. When "New" is selected and the  Okay button is pressed, an automatic patient card with this name is created and linked to the appointment. When the patient is selected and the  Okay button is pressed, the appointment is linked to the selected patient card.
  • If there is no patient card with this name, "No patients with this name were found. Create Patient Card?" is asked. When the  Okay  button is pressed, an automatic patient card with this name is created and linked to the appointment.
  • If the appointment will not be linked to the patient card, the window is closed with the Cancel button or the "x" symbol at the top right of the window.

Past appointments can be displayed in gray if desired. In OPTIONS > Appointment, " Show past appointments as different" is checked.

If you want to show the appointment book separately by units, "Unit count" must be entered on the OPTIONS > Clinic page. Options such as "Unit 1", "Unit 2"... appear on the top left of the appointment book according to the number of units entered. The unit and dentist whose appointment will be made are selected.


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