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When the page is opened, the default fee schedule appears. A new tariff is created with the () button. It is mandatory to fill in all fields when creating a tariff. After creating a tariff, changes can be made in the TariffVAT(%) and Round fields. Changes made can be abandoned (). Save () is used to store the entered information. Unused tariff can be deleted (). If there are patients connected to the tariff to be deleted, it provides an option as to which tariff they will be transferred to during the deletion process. After selecting the tariff in the Move window that opens, patients are transferred to the selected tariff and the tariff is deleted with the Move and delete button.

Descriptions of the fields included in the tariff creation;

Tariff: The name of the tariff is entered.

VAT(%): The VAT rate of the treatment amount is entered.

Round: Rounds treatment prices according to the selected value. If 0 (zero) is selected, the price is created as it is.
- If 1 is selected, it will be rounded to the nearest integer. For example, a treatment priced at 47.70 TL is created as 48.00 TL.
- If 10 is selected, it will be rounded to the nearest ten. For example, a treatment priced at 47.70 TL is created as 50.00 TL. Amounts under 5.00 TL are rounded to the nearest integer (as if 1 was selected) so that the result is not 0 (zero).
- If 100 is selected, it will be rounded to the nearest hundred. For example, a treatment priced at 229.00 TL is created as 200.00 TL. Amounts under 50.00 TL are rounded to the nearest integer (as if 1 was selected) so that the result is not 0 (zero).
- If 1000 is selected, it will be rounded to the nearest thousand. For example, a treatment priced at 1510.00 TL is created as 2000.00 TL. Amounts under 500.00 TL are rounded to the nearest integer (as if 1 was selected) so that the result is not 0 (zero).

 Copy : Allows to copy the treatments of the tariff on the screen to the selected tariff with the information in the Amount, VAT, Total ve Currency fields.

 Change currency: Allows you to change the currency of the tariff on the screen based on the current exchange rate. Pressing the button opens the "Change currency" window. After selecting the Currency, the Currency is changed with the  Change button.

 Sort Treatments: The order of treatments is set on the PATIENT > Oral page. Pressing the button opens the "Sort Treatments" window. The section to be sorted is selected from the "Division" field. The treatments of the selected department are listed right below. By holding down the left mouse button on the line whose order will be changed from the list, it is moved to the desired order by drag-and-drop method. To save the ranking, click the  Save  button at the bottom of the window.

 Transfer patients: Renews patient tariffs at once. In the "Transfer patients" window that opens, the tariffs to be transferred are selected under the heading "Patients in selected tariff below,." In parentheses is the number of patients registered to that tariff. Under the heading "Transfer to this tariff", the tariff to which the patients in the selected tariff will be transferred is selected. Transfer is made with the Transfer patients button.

 Default Tariff: Sets the tariff displayed on the screen to the Default Tariff. When adding a new patient, "Default Tariff" is automatically selected in the Tariff field.

Treatments are listed below according to the selected tariff. Existing treatments created by the recipe cannot be deleted. Only TotalCurrency and Status information can be changed. To do this, click on the relevant treatment line from the list and change it with the  button. The treatment is added with the New () button. Treatments with drawings are listed in the "Scheme" in the treatment adding window. Treatments with drawings are shown in blue in the list. When selecting from the Schema while adding a treatment, it uses the drawing of that treatment, if any, and acts like that treatment. If the recipe containing the added treatment is not in use, the treatment can be deleted (). If the recipe it contains is used on any patient, the treatment will not be deleted! Treatments with Status Passive appear in red in the list and do not appear on the PATIENT > Oral page. Tariff list is printed with . If desired, the list in pdf or excel format is downloaded to the device with the  button.

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