PATIENT > Carte Patient

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With the new button New () Patient card where patient affairs will be tracked, is opened. Labels for mandatory information are indicated in red. Information related to a previously saved patient, visible on the screen, can be edited with Change (). Changes can be discarded with (). To save the entered information, use Save (). If necessary, patients and related records can be deleted with ().

Attention! All records related to the patient are DELETED upon "confirmation by entering the password" (Dr.DENTES login password), and this action is irreversible!

When adding a new patient, if the entered number in the Mobile phone, Wired phone or Phone  matches a number already registered under a patient with the same name, a warning will be issued.

Patients can be searched () or those with appointments can be viewed by checking the " Dated" box in the search screen. Navigation between cards can be done using the Prev () and Next ().

A photo can be taken with a personal computer, tablet, or mobile phone () or a previously taken photo can be uploaded to the patient card (). If a photo has been uploaded to the card, it can be downloaded () or deleted if desired  ().

While capturing an image with the camera, audio can be recorded simultaneously, and the captured image can be saved, or the camera window can be closed. To do this, first, open the Camera window. Then, say "Snapshot" to capture the image, "Save" to save it, "Cancel" to close the window. There should be 1 second of silence before and after the commands. Commands should be spoken clearly and loudly. (If you don't see a red-colored microphone () in the bottom left of the camera window, your device/browser may not support it.)

When clicking on the photo area, a window with White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow colors opens. The frame is painted in the selected color. Each color can be assigned a meaning. For example, Yellow can be used for a patient who does not adhere to their appointment.

The accuracy of the information provided by the patient and the consent for information should be confirmed with a document to be signed. The document can be printed using the Print. When the Print button is pressed, the options "Patient card" and "All" appear. Clicking on Patient card prints the information on this page along with the medical history. Clicking on All prints the Patient card, Anamnesis, Dental Notes, General Notes, Diagnosis, Planning, Treatments, and Received moneys. If the patient is to be informed via email (), or any other means, the checkbox " I approve your informational messages."on the document should be marked and signed. If you don't need this document, do not print it!

Anamnesis: Used to identify past illnesses, history, and medications used if any. If there is any other illness or medication used besides the current illnesses, it can be written in the Other. If there is any information in the Anamnesis, the Anamnesis button flashes to alert.

Appointment: This button leads to the  Appointment page. When clicked to schedule a new appointment, the patient's name is visible. Appointments can be given by completing other information.

Invoice: Lists the patient's invoices.

Rest Report: Used to issue a rest report for the patient. When the button is pressed, a window for writing the report opens. In the Dentist field, the dentist who will prepare the report is selected, and in the Date field, the date the report is written is chosen. After writing the details of the report in the Description field, the report is printed with the Print. Before printing, if the " Save as note" field is checked, the details of the report are also saved in the Notes and images page.

: If the icon is flashing, it means the patient has a note or image record.

The number seen below buttons like  Appointment represents the patient's debt.

If there is a desire to receive a warning when scheduling appointments for patients who are not loyal to their appointments or delay their payments, the " Unreliable" option is marked. For patients with this option checked, Dr.DENTES shows a warning as ***Unreliable***  when scheduling appointments.

Descriptions of the fields in the Patient card;

Name, Surname, Gender, Birth date, Nationality, ID Number, Insert date, Dentist, Currency and Tariff the Patient card cannot be opened without filling in these fields. 

Mobile phone, Wired phone, -other- Phone, E-mail, Country, City, Post code, Town, Address, Organization, Family, Group, Relative Name, Relative Phone, Reference Name, Profession, Blood Group, Control Period, Special code these fields can be optionally filled.

-When an E-mail address is entered, a   button appears at the end of the box. Clicking this button opens the email sending software defined on the device, and the patient's email address is added to the recipient field.

-If the software is used on calling devices, a call can be made by clicking the  button next to the phone number.

-On computers, hovering over or clicking on the age information next to the Birth date field reveals details about "year, month, and day" when touched on touch devices.

Currency: This is the unit that will be used for treatment and payments for this patient. The Currency cannot be changed when the patient has outstanding debts.

Tariff: Indicates which fee tariff will be used for the patient's treatments.

Family: If more than one patient comes from the same family, these patients can be grouped under the Family. This allows for easy tracking of the total debt of the family. When adding a patient, a Family is created with the New () button in this field. Once a Family is created, it can be selected for subsequent patient additions from this list.  Clicking on the icon () next to the Family expression lists the patients in the same Family.

Group: The "Black List" and "Deceased" groups are automatically created. Apart from these, significant patients can be grouped as desired. Grouping makes it easier to track patients. When adding a patient, a Group is created with the New () button in this field. Once a Group is created, it can be selected for subsequent patient additions from this list. Clicking on the icon () next to the Group expression lists the patients in the same Group.

Reference Name: The name of the person who referred the patient is written here. As the name is entered, patients registered with Dr.DENTES are listed. When selected from existing patients and saved, easy transition to the reference patient's card can be made with the button at the end of the field. Clicking on the icon () next to the Reference Name shows other patients referred by the same person and their total turnovers.

Next App. Date: If the patient has a future appointment, it is displayed. Clicking the adjacent Appointments () button shows all appointments for the patient. When clicking on a date in the Appointments window, the date of the respective appointment is opened in the Appointment Book.

Last Treat. Date: If available, it indicates the date of the last treatment.

Payment Due Date: If available, it indicates the date of the last payment made.

Special code: The patient's number in Dr.DENTES is displayed in parentheses. If data is transferred from a different program, the protocol number from the old program is shown in this field.

Access Code: This is a code specific to the patient. Using this code, the patient can access their appointments, treatments, and images through your website. Your website must have access to the web services provided by Sanal Yazılım Ltd. For more detailed information, you can contact us.

Control Period: Specifies how often the patient should be called for a checkup. Patients to be called for checkups are listed in  REPORT > Control.

Not: Based on the fields described above, listing can be done on the "REPORT > List" page. For example, you can retrieve those with Dentist "Mary EWONS" and General Group "Black List." 

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Dr.DENTES fête ses 10 ans!