Below is a description of what it does when it is usable (active) and pictures of how it is seen when it is not usable (passive). Generally, if a button is available, it contains an icon that reminds it of what it does, and the button or icon is colored. If the button is inactive, its color is gray. If the button is visible/disappearing, it is usually not visible and only appears when it is useful.



Used to cancel the transactions made without saving them.


Used for new record entry. It clears the information entry fields on the screen in forms such as Patient card and Expense card. It gives the sequence number for the new record to be entered (such as Account # on the Expense card).


Deletes the current record. You will be asked for confirmation to perform the deletion. Deletion cannot be undone. When deleting the Patient card, additional password confirmation is requested.


Used to edit previously saved information.


Used to save the data on the screen.


Shows the previous record.


Shows the next record.


Allows you to receive live images from cameras connected to the device.


Uploads the image saved on the device to Dr.DENTES. DICOM and PDF files can also be uploaded on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.


It downloads the patient's photo to the device on the PATIENT > Patient card page, the image, DICOM or PDF file on the PATIENT > Notes and images page, the reports received as pdf or excel on the REPORT pages, and the tariff list as pdf or excel on the OPTIONS > Tariff page.


Allows to capture the desired image from the live broadcast from the camera.


Used to make a quick appointment for the patient. The patient's name is automatically displayed in the "Appointment Entry" window for the day and time you selected. An appointment can be made by completing other information.


Past illnesses, history and medications used, if any, are determined. If there is another disease or medication other than the current one, it can be written in the "Other" box. If information has been entered in Anamnesis before, the Anamnesis button on the Patient card will blink to warn you.

Send SMS: 

Redirects to OPTIONS > Send SMS page. When pressed on the PATIENT > Patient card page, whichever Patient card is open automatically adds that patient to the SMS recipient.


Lists patient invoices.


Prints the PATIENT > Patient card page.


Prints the information on the current page from the printer.


It is used to print the operations performed in Planning on the PATIENT > Oral page, together with the oral chart.


Lists all the patient's appointments.


Copies according to location (Access Code/Appointment/Tariff/Password).

Send e-mail: 

The e-mail address appears in the defined Patient card. When clicked, the defined e-mail sending software opens and the patient's e-mail address is automatically added to the recipient section.

Call phone: 

Appears next to patient phone numbers when using the software on a mobile phone. When clicked, the patient phone number is called.


PATIENT > Oral Instead of re-entering the treatments planned in "Planning" into "Treatment"; It allows you to easily copy what has been done.


Allows to change the total amount of treatments on the PATIENT > Oral page. The lines that you want to change in the list of applied treatments can be selected with the left mouse button while holding down the "Ctrl / Command (⌘)" key on the keyboard, and then they can be increased/decreased by percentage or amount with this button.

~ Round

Completes the Round operation.


Control by voice: 

Allows you to use the software with voice instead of keyboard, mouse or touch input. PATIENT > Oral records the treatment when the treatment name and tooth number are spoken. For example, "Tooth extraction 14".

Write by voice: 

You can write single-tooth notes in PATIENT > Oral or notes to be written on the PATIENT > Notes and images page with your voice.


The patient's anamnesis information is accessed from PATIENT > Oral. It flashes if there is a finding in the Anamnesis.


Searches for Patients or Expense card.


Allows you to call a patient when making an appointment.


Used to move the appointment to another time.

Add to Candidate Patient List: 

Adds the candidate patient to the follow-up list.


Provides search results based on the information entered in Patients and Expense searches.


Opens the relevant record selected from the list in the search results.

Turn back
Turn back: 

While making changes to the note in PATIENT > Oral or PATIENT > Notes and images, when you exit without saving, a warning window opens and thanks to this button in the window, you can return to the note without any loss.

When making changes to the note in PATIENT > Oral or PATIENT > Notes and images and exiting without saving, a warning window opens and the note is not saved with this button in the window.
PATIENT > Oral converts one of the treatment plans offered to the patient into a contract after reaching an agreement with the patient, and a payment plan is created for this contract.
Contractual receivables are tracked in PATIENT > Account.
Family Account: 

Patients with debts in the same family group and their balances are displayed.


It is used to record a reminder alert for the patient's payment date on the PATIENT > Account page.

Close account: 

Resets the patient's debt to zero. No changes can be made to treatment records and money received before and after the account closure date.

= Close account
Close account: 

Completes the account closure process in the Close account window.

Undo the last account closure.: 

Undoes the last account closure in the Close account window.

Balance Distribution: 

Shows the dentist's share of treatments performed by different dentists for a patient.

Remove from list: 

Removes the selected lines from the list on the PATIENT > Invoice and PATIENT > Prescription pages.

Remove from list
Remove from list
Remove from list: 

Confirms removing the selected rows from the list.

Print Configuration: 

PATIENT > Invoice the areas to be printed on the invoice and their positions on the paper on the invoice page.


Reports according to the fields on the REPORT > Account Book page.

List criteria: 
Includes fields on the Patient card. The patient list is retrieved by filtering according to the Min, Max and Contains columns.

Used to select dates from the calendar. The first click on the month and year text at the top of the calendar opens the Month options, and the second click opens the Year options.

Play all: 

Allows all videos on the DOCUMENTS > Patient Training page to be played sequentially.

Change currency: 

Changes the currency of the tariff based on the current exchange rate.


Allows the tariff to be changed to the selected Currency in the window that opens when Change currency on the OPTIONS > Tariff page.

Sort Treatments: 
 On the OPTIONS > Tariff page;
The order of treatments is adjusted on the PATIENT > Oral page.
Transfer patients: 

Transfers patients from one tariff to another tariff.

Transfer patients
Transfer patients
Transfer patients: 
It is used to renew patient tariffs with Transfer patients on the OPTIONS > Tariff page.
Default Tariff: 

Determines the default tariff to be used on the new patient.

Returns the Appointment color to the default setting on the OPTIONS > Appointment page.
Resets operations performed through the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.
Send SMS: 
Allows you to send the message prepared on the OPTIONS > Send SMS page. Pressing this button on other pages directs you to the OPTIONS > Send SMS page. It automatically adds the patient(s) on the current page to the SMS recipient.
SMS Delivery Report: 

Shows sent messages and status report.


Allows you to return to the previous page in the SMS Delivery Report on the OPTIONS > Send SMS page.

SMS Settings: 

In OPTIONS > Send SMS, the day and time of the messages to be sent automatically are selected.

Future Sends: 

SMSs whose sending is set for a later date are listed, and SMSs that have not yet been sent can be deleted from the list.

Choose your location: 

Allows you to mark your location on the map.

All Images: 

Shows the images on the PATIENT > Notes and images page as small squares.


Adds at least 2 and at most 4 selected images on the PATIENT > Notes and images page to the comparison list.


Used to compare images listed on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.


Compares the images selected in the All Images window.

Image Editor: 

Allows you to view the image in full screen and manipulate it.


Displays the image at its original size via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.


Fits the image to the screen via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.

Zoom in: 

Zooms in on the image via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.

Zoom out: 

Zooms out the image via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.

Rotate left: 

Rotates the image 90 degrees to the left with each press via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.

Rotate right: 

Rotates the image 90 degrees to the right with each press via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.

Mirror horizontal: 

Flips the image horizontally via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.

Mirror vertical: 

Flips the image vertically via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.


Activates the crop tool via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.


Cancels the cropping operation.

Apply Crop: 

Completes the cropping operation.


Invert colors via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.

Edge detection tool via Image Editor in PATIENT > Notes and images page.

Edge sharpening tool via Image Editor on PATIENT > Notes and images page.


Brightness adjustment tool via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.


Contrast adjustment tool via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.


Differentiation threshold tool via the Image Editor on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.


Used to close the image comparison screen and image editing screen on the PATIENT > Notes and images page.


Confirms the deletion.


Used to close the opened window.


Used to cancel the transactions made without saving them.


Used to save the data on the screen.


 It serves to display the results of the list criteria specified on the REPORT > List page.


Allows to backup the data in Dr.DENTES in JSON format.


Downloads the prepared backup to the device.


Opinions and requests regarding Dr.DENTES can be conveyed.


Found in Inquiry > Inquiries. Lists the opinions conveyed to Dr.DENTES.


It allows the message to be sent after filling in the mandatory fields in the Inquiry window.


Check-up appointments, patient payments, upcoming clinic payments, birthdays, automatically sent periodic check-up SMS, etc. Shows notifications. Flagged alerts are removed from the list after 7 days.


 Shows the number of unchecked alerts. When it is 100 or above, the Warning system turns off automatically. If desired, it can be opened from OPTIONS > Clinic.

Special days: 

Holidays and special days are listed.

Move and delete
Move and delete: 
When deleting a Tariff on the OPTIONS > Tariff page, if there are patients connected to that tariff, the Move window opens and deletes that Tariff by moving the patients to the selected tariff.

 In the Pair with Patient Card window on the Appointment page, it allows the relevant Patient card page to be opened by linking the appointment to the Patient card or creating a new Patient card.


Sends answers to questions asked via www.dishek.org and www.smileparadise.org.

Share Appointment Calendar: 

It allows appointments at Dr.DENTES to be shared with the calendar on iPhone, iPad or Android devices.

Müşteri Link: 

Opens the page where the issued e-Invoice, e-Archive Invoice and e-Self-Employment Receipt can be viewed.

İptal Et: 

Cancels the issued e-Archive Invoice and e-Freelancer Receipt.

Rest Report
Rest Report: 

It is used to give a rest report to the patient on the PATIENT > Patient Card page.


Invoice settings are made. The box at  the beginning of the setting you want to use is checked.

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